Get Cameron as a Mentor — .

As featured in:

How Would You Like to Make these Shifts in Your Career?

  • From a place where you second guess your decisions to one where you can move with confidence
  • From someone who comes home burnt out at the end of the day to one who feels a sense of peace and accomplishment
  • From someone who is being pulled in several directions at once to one who masters their time and attention

It's Not As Hard As You Think ... If you have the right support

An Express Lane For Your Next Promotion

You'll be working with me one-on-one over the phone or Skype. Not one of my staff, not a consultant I trained, but with me personally. We'll have five sessions of 30 minutes each over the span of five weeks (or more depending on vacations and work demands you may have).

The benefit of doing our one-on-ones in quick succession is that you create massive momentum behind your actions that you simply don't get in more traditional once a month mentoring.


#1 - Fix Your Biggest Issues

Most problems aren't hidden. You already know what issues are frustrating you and cause you and your organization problems. We start addressing your two biggest concerns in our first session, no matter what they are. 

#2 - Develop Specific Leadership Skills

You'll pick three leadership topics from the below list to develop over your five sessions. I provide outside insight into your specific work situation, come up with a method of applying the learning that works for you, and help hold you accountable so you get the results you're looking for.

  • Time Management
  • Motivation (Employee & Personal)
  • Team Building
  • Employee Accountability
  • Communication Strategies
  • Goal Setting/Priorities
  • Empowering Employees/Delegating
  • Conflict Resolution
  • Balancing Friendship & Professionalism
  • Career Development Strategies

#3 - Chart Your Path Forward

We will work together on simple and easy goal setting that will bring not only some clarity to your goals, but also will give you the tools, tricks, and habits to actually make progress on them.

#4 - Give You Day to Day Solutions

Small obstacles and frustrations can wreak havoc on your plans, so you'll have time to bring those up in our sessions so that you can keep your plans on track. 


I'm excited to open up my schedule to a limited number of people interested in unlocking their potential. You get 5 half-hour sessions with me for the price of $267, or if you like, split it up into 3 bi-weekly payments of $89. It's affordable, accessible, and when balanced against the benefits to your career and peace of mind, a BARGAIN!


Sign up for Mentoring with me and see for yourself. If these five weeks don't improve your leadership skills and career prospects, I'll give you a complete refund. No hassles and we can part as friends - 100% guaranteed and 100% risk free!

FRequently Asked Questions

"I don't live in the United States, can I still take part?" - Yes. Nearly half of my clients are outside the United States, and I've coached leaders on six continents (I'm offering free sessions to any scientist in Antarctica so I can knock off the 7th continent). We use Skype and telephone just like I would in the States. My calendar also adjusts to your time zone, so you have a clear picture on available times regardless of what continent you are on.

"Can I book more than five sessions?" - Yes, but. I'm happy to arrange a longer term arrangement, but I am firm about having a gap between groups of sessions. Giving you time to "swim on your own" is an essential aspect of this format and allows us to maximize the benefits you receive.

"I have a vacation planned in the middle of this, can I sign up?" - Yes. Vacations are essential to your health and productivity. I'm also well aware that emergencies, projects, and business trips come up. Typical clients finish their sessions in 5-7 weeks.

"I don't like video conferencing, is the phone OK?" - Absolutely. My preference is always video conferencing with Skype as the ability to see the other person always makes the communication richer, but we will have just as much success over the phone.

"Can I record our sessions?" - Yes. That being said, I will send over notes on what we discussed, key takeaways, and action items after each of our calls.

"I'm not a supervisor or manager yet, can I still sign up?" - No. This program is best suited for those in a current leadership role. While you would definitely get something out of the sessions, I want those enrolled to get AMAZING benefits, and those are best achieved by applying the learning immediately in their operation.

The secret is the structure

I used to bring on mentoring clients with a yearly contract that gave them 1 hour of mentoring a month and access to me on Skype or e-mail, but while they made significant progress, it was always slower than I wanted. What I've found through experimenting with different formats is a way to dramatically speed up the benefits of mentoring AND reduce the cost for you.

Consistent and persistent action builds on itself like compound interest, and forms the core of what you and I will do.

Each week we will mutually come up with actions that specifically address the areas you want to improve. Because we are working one-on-one, these will be customized to your situation. They will deal with the different personality types you deal with, they will take into account the political climate in your office, and they will be tailored to achieving your goals,. By taking action, learning from that action, then taking further/better action week after week, the results you will see magnify immensely.

As you'll see below, we don't talk theory, we will be putting theory to practice every single week you work with me:

Week #1 Takeaways

  • Actions addressing your two biggest frustrations
  • Actions developing each of your three selected leadership traits

Week #2 Takeaways

  • Further actions based on the learning from the prior week
  • Identification and definition of your 3 main goals for the year
    • One action to take towards each goal this week
  • Actions addressing any other day-to-day issues or frustrations that popped up during the week

Week #3 Takeaways

  • Identifying one other big frustration/issue and identifying one action to take to address it this week
  • Identifying one other leadership skill you would like to address and one action to develop it
  • Habit of progress: One further action to take towards each goal set out in the prior week
  • Actions addressing any other day-to-day issues or frustrations that popped up during the week

Week #4 Takeaways

  • Clarification of the metrics or outcomes that define success for each goal going forward
  • Habit of progress: One further action to take towards each goal
  • Further actions surrounding your large frustrations/issues and leadership development skills
  • Actions addressing any other day-to-day issues or frustrations that popped up during the week

Week #5 Takeaways

  • Plans and milestones for your goals throughout the remainder of the year
  • Specific actions to take to address these goals along the way
  • My observations on how you can deal with anticipated problems in your specific situations as they arise in the future

The Break

  • I only open up these sessions every couple of months and I require at least a 4 week gap between your last session and your next one. Why?
  • So you get a chance to unpack, recall, and apply all that you learned. That only comes with time.
  • This gives you maximum value out of your sessions.

Flexible Follow-Up

If your one-on-one sessions are the heart of the program, follow-up and questions throughout the week through Skype or e-mail will be the circulatory system. Regular communication with me will help you break through obstacles, see opportunities to leverage your new knowledge and get the best out of yourself and the team.

Still Not Sure? Just AsK

If you know one thing about me, it's that I don't mind answering questions. I think this is a fantastic program that will get you results and set you up for greater success in your career (that's why I'm confident to make it risk free for you). So if you have any questions at all about the program, me, or whether it's a fit, just ask me at

To your success,


P.S. Where will you be one year from now? 

Without a mentor, you are likely to be struggling through some of the same issues you are right now, as well as some common leadership mistakes that more experienced leaders have learned how to prevent...

...Or you could sign up and be the leader who:

  • Develops the best talent in your organization
  • Sets the example for your peers
  • Is relied upon to get the big jobs done
  • Maintains control under all circumstances
  • Fosters collaboration and innovation
  • Thinks proactively and strategically
  • Is a strong communicator
  • Is ready for the next promotion!